Our Ministries
Adult Education and Formation
Adult Education and Formation includes: Bible Study, Book Club, Foyer Groups, Stations of the Cross, Film Discussions, and Seasonal Topics.
Weekly Adult Bible Study is lead by Kathi Oaks. Bible Study meets once a week on Wednesdays at 10:30 am in the Library to discuss scripture.
Building and Grounds
Primarily responsible for the regular upkeep of church property, building and grounds as well as long term planning for updates and additions to our current facility. This team also hosts both a spring and fall churchwide workday.
Anyone with cleaning, landscaping or repair skills is welcome to join this ministry.
Building and Grounds is led by Jacqui Parker.
Congregational Care
Congregational Care welcomes members and visitors to St. Francis and helps care for all parishioners who become involved in the life of the parish.
Care includes: Meals Ministry, Member Visitations, Home Eucharist Visitations, Prayer Chain, and Ushers.
Congregational Care is led by Chuck Oduah.
At St. Francis we continually look for ways to share the Word of the Gospel and show acts of Christian values to the community outside our worship services and building. Outreach is defined as reaching out to others and becoming involved in a community efforts of service and justice OUTSIDE or BEYOND our doors.
We are doing this in many ways by hosting food drives for the Springboro Community Assistance Center, giving to Blue Star Mothers & For Love of Children (FLOC), loose change offerings to charitable organizations, and Gift Cards for those in need. We also hold Blessing of the Pets services and visit Nursing Homes by singing carols.
Outreach is led by Mary Harris.
Parish Life
Parish Life oversees the hospitality and social life of the parish, providing opportunities for fellowship and community building for parishioners of all ages.
Parish Life includes: Foyer Groups, Coffee Hour, and special events. They also include special services such as Scout Sunday, Shrove Tuesday Pancakes, Chili Cook-off, Game Night, "Soup"er Bowl, etc.
Parish Life is led by Virginia Culp.
Sunday School
Sunday School currently serves children ages 6 to 13. Sunday School meets during the first half of the 10:30 am service. Children hear lessons, create art, form a youth choir and engage questions of faith They rejoin their family for worship at The Peace each Sunday.
At times the youth share their talents through Christmas Pageants and performances of the Youth Choir.
Sunday School is led by Jenny Catalan.
Learn more about our children’s ministry.
Worship is an important and central part of any service. Worship can shift your mindset and change your perspective on the world. Worship can push you into your destiny and cleanse you of your past. Worship heals wounds. Worship, lets you hear God and lets God hear you. With that in mind St. Francis is always planning to make worship a better experience for all by looking into services and special events for specific occasions, such as a visit from the Bishop, Pentecost, or Youth Sunday.
The Worship Committee is led by Tom Phillips.