Bishop Visitation Celebration

We had the pleasure of welcoming The Right Reverend Kristin Uffelman White to Saint Francis Episcopal Church for the Visitation of the Bishop of the Diocese of Southern Ohio. We had a wonderful time and an auspicious opportunity to connect with the Bishop during the reception we offered following the celebration, worship and thanksgiving.  We were very blessed with Bishop White who is our teacher, spiritual shepherd and friend. 

The Bishop is considered the shepherd who leads the Diocese and also is the person who represents our Church’s relationship and connection to the universal (world-wide) Body of Christ.  Bishops are the successors to the apostles and their episcopal authority derived from the apostles also represents an unbroken succession in the ministry of the Church. The bishops of the Episcopal Church, are the ones who seek to "carry on the apostolic work of leading, supervising, and uniting the Church."




Easter Sunday Celebration